
Image for Berlinale Screening of The Substance with Coralie Fargeat
© Mubi
Berlinale Screening of The Substance with Coralie Fargeat
“"The Substance" is a cinematic masterpiece—bold, gripping, and visually stunning! Demi Moore delivers a powerhouse performance. A must-watch!” Filmmakers

Filmmakers Europe, Spotlight, ICDA & the European Film Academy present a Berlinale screening of The Substance.

Image for ‘September 5’ When the Munich Games Changed Our News
© Jürgen Olczyk/Paramount Pictures
‘September 5’ When the Munich Games Changed Our News
“Casting credits: Simone Bär †, Nancy Foy, Lucinda Syson, Juliette Ménager, Anna-Lena Slater, Natasha Vincent & Alexandra Montag (for pulling it all together).” Filmmakers

Tim Fehlbaum’s journalism procedural, starring Peter Sarsgaard, tracks the broadcast coverage of the terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympics.

Image for Tom Tykwer Opens the 75th Berlin International Film Festival with Das Licht
© Tala Al-Deen in Das Licht by Tom Tykwer
Tom Tykwer Opens the 75th Berlin International Film Festival with Das Licht
“We are extremely excited to see the Cast of Alexandra Montag ( come to the screen as the opening film of Berlinale 2025. ” Filmmakers

The world premiere of Tom Tykwer’s latest feature film Das Licht (The Light) will open the 75th Berlin International Film Festival on February 13, 2025. The German-French production Das Licht (The Light) will be presented as a Berlinale Special Gala in the Berlinale Palast. “We knew as soon as we...

Image for Tar is widely considered one of the best films of the decade
© Florian Hoffmeister
Tar is widely considered one of the best films of the decade
“Casting is multi national - and this is what Filmmakers is built for. Casting Directors of Tar: Simone Bär †, Avy Kaufman, Alexandra Montag & Jeremy Zimmermann.” Filmmakers

ByLucas Hill-Paul, 19 Nov 2024 in Mirror  ‘One of the best movies of the 2020s’ with Oscar-winning star now streaming for free Netflix has just added a gripping drama film that’s widely considered one of the best films of the 2020s with a career-best performance from a Hollywood A-lister A cri...

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© Filmmakers 2024
“We are exceited about this partnership with PCDG and ZASP during Gdyni ” Filmmakers

26. i 27.09.2024 w Gdyni @PCDG & @ZASP Gildia Polskich Reżyserek i Reżyserów Obsady oraz Filmmakers Europe organizują podczas 49. Festiwalu Polskich Filmów Fabularnych w Gdyni wydarzenie OneMinuteMonologue dla profesjonalnych aktorów. Czym jest OneMinuteMonologue? To możliwość spotkania w syt...

© Filmmakers 2024
“Thank you @ICDA, Spotlight and @Agency of Creative Industries with @N’Art Residency for this great initiative!” Filmmakers

exclusively for professional actors from the following Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Türkiye.    To participate, you must (a) be a professional actor, (b) be from one of the...

Image for Ilker Çatak: »Das Lehrerzimmer«-Regisseur in Oscar-Academy eingeladen
© Eventpress / IMAGO
Ilker Çatak: »Das Lehrerzimmer«-Regisseur in Oscar-Academy eingeladen

Vom Nominierten zum Nominierenden? İlker Çatak ist in die Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences eingeladen worden. Der Regisseur und Autor war 2024 mit »Das Lehrerzimmer« bei den Oscars dabei.

Image for #ffmuc24
Bundesverband Casting e.V. Blog

Der BVC auf dem 41. Filmfest München (28.06.-07.07.): "Neues Deutsches Kino" ||  • DIE AKADEMIE (Regie: Camilla Guttner) | Casting: Anja Dihrberg-Siebler (BVC | ICDA) ||  • MUXMÄUSCHENSTILL X (Regie: Jan Henrik Stahlberg) | Casting: Stephanie Maile (BVC) ||  • SONNENPLÄTZE (Regie: Aaron Arens) | ...

Image for The 96th Academy Awards | 2024
The 96th Academy Awards | 2024
“Congratulations to all winners and participants - and especially Casting Directors Simone Bär †, Alexandra Montag and Magdalena Szwarcbart!” Filmmakers

The 96th Academy Awards | 2024

Image for Spotlight and Filmmakers Announce Partnership
Spotlight and Filmmakers Announce Partnership

Opening New Opportunities for their Members Across Europe.    London/Berlin, 16th February 2024  In a landmark initiative to connect the performing arts across Europe, Spotlight, the leading casting platform for the UK and Ireland, and Filmmakers Europe, the pre-eminent casting platform in the EU...

Image for Spotlight & Filmmakers
Spotlight & Filmmakers
Filmmakers Blog
“We are excited to announce: Spotlight is our official partner. ” Filmmakers

Image for Most Important Casting Systems for Filmmakers & Actors
© Filmmakers Europe
Most Important Casting Systems for Filmmakers & Actors
Filmmakers Blog
“Follow these recommendations to be professional, control your visibility and image, and be prepared for the most relevant opportunities.” Filmmakers

Casting Systems have become an essential part of the entertainment industry. Whether you're casting for a feature film, television series, or commercial, or you're an actor seeking professional opportunities, these platforms are invaluable. As the industry increasingly embraces virtual casting, t...

Image for Creation Starts with Script and Cast
Creation Starts with Script and Cast
Filmmakers Blog
““Great casting is about finding truth, and without truth, the film falls apart.” – Ridley Scott” Filmmakers

Filmmaking truly begins with the script and cast, shining a light on the casting process as an art form in its own right.

Image for „Oderbruch“ Mix aus Historie & Übernatürlichem
© dpa
„Oderbruch“ Mix aus Historie & Übernatürlichem
“Neben insgesamt knapp acht Stunden Sendezeit, in denen so viel passiert wie bei manch anderen Serien in acht Staffeln. „Oderbruch“ ist Überwältigungsfernsehen.” Filmmakers

Bei der Serie „Oderbruch“ hat die ARD mit den amerikanischen CBS Studios zusammengearbeitet. Herausgekommen ist ein gigantisches Historienhorrorepos, das sich in Konkurrenz zu Netflix sehen lassen kann.

Tips for Actors to Start into 2024
Filmmakers Blog
“Master your acting career! Build standout profiles, refine your craft, network globally, embrace authenticity, and unlock opportunities.” Filmmakers

Comprehensive Guide for Actors

Guida Completa per Attori per Lavorare in Modo Professionale
Filmmakers Blog
“Domina la tua carriera di attore: crea profili eccezionali, affina il tuo talento, connettiti a livello globale, abbraccia l’autenticità e sblocca infinite oppo” Filmmakers

Costruisci e Mantieni la tua Immagine Professionale 1. Scrivi una Biografia di Impatto: Scrivi una biografia concisa e convincente che evidenzi le tue competenze, personalità ed esperienze. Includi i tuoi crediti, la formazione e la partecipazione a workshop per offrire una panoramica chiara del...

Guía Integral para Actores para Actuar Profesionalmente
Filmmakers Blog
“Domina tu carrera como actor: crea perfiles destacados, perfecciona tu arte, conéctate globalmente, abraza la autenticidad y desbloquea infinitas oportunidades.” Filmmakers

Construye y Mantén tu Imagen Profesional 1. Redacta una Biografía Impactante: Escribe una biografía concisa y atractiva que resalte tus habilidades, personalidad y experiencia. Incluye tus créditos, formación y trayectoria en talleres para ofrecer un panorama claro y profesional de tu carrera. 2...

Image for Casting Workshop in Tirana
Casting Workshop in Tirana
“Deadline for application approaching!” Filmmakers

Casting Workshop "local talent + global visibility" part of BALKAN FILM MARKET brought to you by and the International Casting Directors Association  14th of December 2023 in Tirana, Albania

Image for Snowdance Top13
Snowdance Top13

Casting-Event beim Snowdance Independent Filmfestival 2024

Image for Meals4Monolouge Köln
Meals4Monolouge Köln
Filmmakers Blog
“Thank you to all participating Actors, Casting Directors and Volunteers for this very special weekend!” Filmmakers

Der Bundesverband Schauspiel und Filmmakers Europe haben am 21. & 22. Oktober 2023 in Köln für und mit Casting Directors im Rahmen des Filmfestivals Cologne ein MEALS4MONOLOGUES veranstaltet. M4M ist eine inspirierende Initiative aus den USA, die die Welt des Schauspiels mit sozialem Engagement ...

Image for "How a Casting Director Reads a Script" Panel at WARSZAWSKI FESTIWAL FILMOWY
"How a Casting Director Reads a Script" Panel at WARSZAWSKI FESTIWAL FILMOWY

Follow the Casting Directors Timka Grin, Cassandra Han, Ewa Brodzka and Paulina Krajnik at their panel discussion "How a Casting Director Reads a Script," hosted by Filmmakers Europe as part of Warsaw Film Festival and Warsaw Next in cooperation with the Kieślowski Fi...

“Der Deutsche Schauspielpreis wird am 15. September verliehen. Die Verleihung wird am Freitag den 15.09 ab 19:30 Uhr live übertragen.” Filmmakers

Der DEUTSCHE SCHAUSPIELPREIS – eine ganz besondere Auszeichnung von Schauspielern*innen für Schauspieler*innen und Menschen, die durch ihr Schaffen in besonderer Weise Schauspielkunst inspiriert und gefördert haben. Der Preis wird an Persönlichkeiten vergeben, die mit ihrer schöpferischen Leistun...

Image for Casting in deutsch-polnischen Koproduktionen
© filmPOLSKA
Casting in deutsch-polnischen Koproduktionen
“Datum: 10. September 2023 Uhrzeit: 18:00 Uhr Ort: City-Kino Wedding” Filmmakers

Podiumsdiskussion: „Casting in deutsch-polnischen Koproduktionen".

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