Suzana Borges

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Suzana Borges

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Actor46-56 Añosportugués
Lugar de residencia Lisbon (PT)
Lugar de nacimientoLisbon
Licencias de conducirB - Automóvil
Color de ojosVerde
Color del peloMarrón
Estatura (cm)165
Peso (en kg)63
Idiomasportugués(Lengua materna)InglésfrancésitalianoEspañol
DialectosBrasil portugués(dialecto nativo)
BaileDanza contemporánea
CantoA capella

A lengthy and complete theatrical education working with Rudy Shelley and Lin Britt from the Old Vic Bristol Theatre School, Zygmunt Molik from Grotowsky,Marcia Haufrecht and Robert Castle from the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute. Weekly voice work with Maria do Rosário Coelho, for 31 years, And workshops with Thierry De Mey (movement), Cathleen McCarron from the Royal Shakespeare Company(voice) ,Ayse Thaskiran (movement for actors). From 2019 Contemporay Dance with Rafael Alvarez.

Quem És Tu? Who Are You? (Drama)
Dona Madalena de Vilhena (SEÑOR)
João Botelho 39 Degraus, Filmes do Tejo, ICAM the director Almeida Garret
Jogos de Praia (Drama)
Maria (SEÑOR)
João Canijo Companhia das Luzes Companhia das Luzes E. A. Whitehead