Federica Palleschi

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Federica Palleschi

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Actor18-26 Añositaliano
Lugar de residencia Rome (IT)
Año de nacimiento2001 (22 Años)
Lugar de nacimientoRome, Italy
Color de ojosAzul verdoso
Color del peloRubio
Estatura (cm)165
Peso (en kg)50
Idiomasitaliano(Lengua materna)InglésfrancésEspañolcoreano
DialectosBritánico (estándar)Inglés americanoRomano(dialecto nativo)Toscano

My professional training began in 2016 at the Academy of "Nuovo Teatro San Paolo", located in Rome, IT. Throughout these years I was able to attend several acting courses, starting from the basics of the Theatre, from currently attending an intensive course held by Actors and Directors both from the world of Cinema and Theatre.