Folkwang Universität der Künste

Folkwang Universität der Künste
Klemensborn 39
45239 Essen
+49 201 490 3308
Folkwang Universität der Künste picture
1 - 60 of 171 results





Open in Filmmakers
Agentur CDreikauss-Schauspieler Management (Main agency)
Christiane Dreikauss
+49 40 736 74243
open agency on Filmmakers


Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.


Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.
Open in Filmmakers
This actor has indicated that their profile is only visible for verified casting professionals.