Image for Coming out of an abusive relationship… with my job
© Andrea OSVÁRT Actress, Author
Coming out of an abusive relationship… with my job
26. Aug 2022 |
“Actress and Coach "ANDREA OSVÁRT" is writing about her experience. ” Filmmakers

By — Andrea OSVÁRT Actress, Author:

This is probably the most complex topic I am addressing now, and I have been procrastinating for weeks since I started to think about this. Finally, it needed to sink, and I needed to admit it.

It is no secret that show business has dark sides and is highly competitive. Still, most youngsters aspire to become actors, movie stars, celebrities, or famous. So I’d like to dig deep into why most fail, as it is not easy to detect the nuances when ugly things happen underneath a shiny surface.

I was born in Hungary during socialism, so I speak from this point of view and induct conclusions based on my 25 years of experience of being a model and an actress. Of course, these professions have significant differences, but they are both the same in one aspect: they are solitary lifestyles.

Without entering into politics and philosophy too much, I’d like to state that in this post, I refer to socialism as a theory of favoring group ownership instead of private ownership. Ownership in the sense of not only materialistic things but also as common sense. Just like prehistoric people used to hunt in groups, dividing tasks among each other, humans have been anthropologically conditioned to cooperate and share for millions of years. Today’s capitalism, however, is the exact opposite: it favors private ownership of capital and goods by single individuals triggering ...

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