Key Actors

Schauspielagentur Franziska Gröne
Acting agencyYoung talent agencyD/A/CH

Representatives Franziska Gröne (Agent)

Key Actors
Mittelwendung 16
28844 Weyhe
+49 176 8453 8795
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Franziska Gröne
+49 176 8453 8795
This profile is only visible for casting professionals registered with Filmmakers Europe. You are registered as professional Casting Director on Filmmakers Europe? Login here.
Franziska Gröne
+49 176 8453 8795
This profile is only visible for casting professionals registered with Filmmakers Europe. You are registered as professional Casting Director on Filmmakers Europe? Login here.
Franziska Gröne
+49 176 8453 8795
Acting agencyYoung talent agencyD/A/CH
Key Actors (Main agency)
Franziska Gröne
+49 176 8453 8795
open agency on Filmmakers
This profile is only visible for casting professionals registered with Filmmakers Europe. You are registered as professional Casting Director on Filmmakers Europe? Login here.
Franziska Gröne
+49 176 8453 8795