Wojciech Starostecki

Agencja Aktorska Spinka
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Wojciech Starostecki

Agencja Aktorska Spinka
About me

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actor / director / screenwriter / narrator / presenter / teacher / educator
I am a professional theater and film actor, a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Theater. I also do directing. I have also worked as a radio and television presenter, host and narrator. I am the author of film, television and radio scripts and various other texts. For many years 
I worked as an academic lecturer.
For many years I was professionally associated with the media in Poland. I invented, produced, directed and hosted entertainment, journalistic and educational programs on TV PPOLSAT, TVP and CANAL +, and Radio Kolor and Polish Radio.
On the public radio station, I hosted original music programs and journalistic programs. On Polish Television, I successfully hosted over a hundred editions of the program "The Decision Is Yours". I also hosted the program "On the Attic" on TTV. I performed on the stage of several Warsaw theaters, including the Popular Theater, the Dramatic Theater and the Scena Prezentacje Theater. I played in several feature films and many Polish series: "Na Wspólnej", "Samo życie", "Ojciec Mateusz", "Prawo Agaty", "W rytmie serca", "Na sygnale", "Echo serca", "Ślad", "Na dobre i na złe" and others.
I directed performances on the stages of theaters in Poland (in Warsaw, Gdynia, Wałbrzych). With the theater group "Dorosłe dzieci" that I founded, I stage plays by contemporary European playwrights.
As an independent producer, I made a television feature film titled "Po". I am also a co-author of the script for the series "Tylko miłość" and the documentary series "Sekcja 998". I am also the author and producer of numerous documentary, training and advertising films.
I give lectures on the history of cinematography, presentations on film and media education, courses on self-presentation and public speaking, and artistic workshops."

Agencja Aktorska Spinka
Wojciech Glinka
+48 602 395 051
open agency on Filmmakers
Wojciech Starostecki
Place of residence Warsaw (PL)
Year of birth1963 (61 years)
Place of birthGdańsk
Housing optionsGdynia (PL)
Driver's licensesB - Car
Eye colorbrown gray
Hair colorGray
Height (cm)182
Weight (in kg)95
SportStage combat
Special skills(cartoon) voice actingAudio bookAudio dramaImprovisation

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Teatralna w Warszawie
Wydział Aktorski ukończony w 1987
Wydział Reżyserii ukończony w 1992

Fortuna czycha w lesie
Śniegu więcej nie będzie
Ojciec Mateusz (TV movie (series))
Ślad picture
Ślad (TV movie (series))
Piotr Romański - lekarz sądowy (SR)