Teresa Faria

Alexandre Gonçalves - Management
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Teresa Faria

Alexandre Gonçalves - Management
About me

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With a professional career of more than four decades as an actress, playwright, theater teacher and director.
In CINEMA and TV she participated in "Vento Norte" RTP; "Amar Depois de Amar" TVI;  "Les Grandes Ondes" by Lionel Baier", "Destinos Cruzados" TVI, "Doida Por Ti" TVI, "Lua de Papel" TVI, worked with Manuel Pureza "Rosa Fogo", Jorge Queiroga "Conta-me como foi", Sérgio Graciano "Salgueiro Maia", "Conta-me como foi", Luís Filipe Rocha "A outra margem"e "Camarate", Joaquim Leitão "Até Amanhã Camaradas", Charlotte Branstrom, Marco Martins "Alice", Daniel Schmid, João César Monteiro, Manuel Mozos, Teresa Villaverde Cabral, Jorge Paixão Costa among many others.
She has worked with several THEATER Companies, such as Teatro Aberto, Teatroesfera, Escola de Mulheres / FC Gulbenkian, A Barraca, Teatro da Comuna, Teatro da Cornucópia, Teatro D. Maria II, Teatro da Trindade, Teatro Maria Matos, Cassefaz, Bonifrates, among others. She worked with Directors such as Cristina Carvalhal, José Carretas, Almeno Gonçalves, Paula Sousa, Paulo Oom, Fernanda Lapa, Fernando Gomes, Miguel Abreu, Adriano Luz, Filipe Crawford, Guilherme Filipe, Helder Costa, Mário Barradas, José Barata, and others.
As a THEATER DIRECTOR, “O Menino e o Mar” and “Não sem 4 sem Três” stand out in Teatroesfera and other shows, such as "Tales and Christmas poems", at the National Theater D. Maria II, "Poemas na minha vida", by Io Apollonni, at Teatroesfera and Italian Institute of Culture and "Leal da Câmara - life and work",  at Casa Museu de Leal da Câmara, among other shows.

Alexandre Gonçalves - Management
Alexandre Gonçalves
open agency on Filmmakers
Place of residence Lisbon (PT)
Place of birthCoimbra
Driver's licensesB - Car
Eye colorbrown
Hair colorgray
Height (cm)159
Weight (in kg)80
Special skillsAudio drama

Diploma in Theater Studies, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa and postgraduate studies at the same Faculty. Artistic training at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, with Marcia Haufrecht, Sygmont Molik, Polina Klimoviskaia, Adrienne Thomas, Howard Sonenkler, Eugenio Barba, Emilio Genazinni.