
Dennis Fell-Hernandez

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Dennis Fell-Hernandez

About me

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I am a trained actor (Freie Bühne München) and have been a permanent member of the Munich Kammerspiele ensemble for now already 3 years. I have Down syndrome, but I manage it well and do not let it hinder me. In addition to my many roles in theater, I do performances with free lanced artists and musicians, and in 2023 I filmed a short movie for the Munich University of Film and Television. I used to frequently play small roles in film/TV and worked as an extra. Now, I would like to do more work in front of the camera. I am a good swimmer, enjoy hiking, jogging, dancing, and also like learning texts. Filming is my hobby, especially when traveling. You can find more about me at https://www.muenchner-kammerspiele.de/de/wir/1106-dennis-fell-hernandez. In the AmA podcast with the great actress Wiebke Puls, I talk there openly about myself without a mask. I work well in teams, enjoy being around people and colleagues, and am quite independent and straightforward. I believe that inclusion in art and culture is a fantastic topic, and I think it's very important that actors with disabilities - like myself - appear in films. My disability doesn't bother me much; I am an actor, and that's what matters to me.

Dennis Fell-Hernandez
Actor20-38 yearsGerman
Place of residence Munich (DE)
Year of birth1990 (33 years)
Place of birthMünchen
Other impairmentDown syndrome
Housing optionsCologne (DE)
Eye colordark brown
Hair colorBrown
Height (cm)154
Weight (in kg)70
SportBowlingFitnessHikingMountain hikingStage combatSwimDartsJudoTrampolining
DanceBelly danceMotion dance
Special skills(cartoon) voice actingCatwalkImprovisationPantomime(Voice) imitatorBeatboxingModel

Es handelt sich um eine innerbetriebliche vierjährige Qualifizierungsmaßnahme bei dem inklusiven Theater Freie Bühne München www.freiebuehnemuenchen.de

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